Bad quality in Windows10 vid Logitech on OBS, Why?


New Member
I have tested my Logitech Brio 4K webcam in Windows10 and just had to give up.
I have seen many youtube videos on how to set up OBS settings, but the quality is significantly worse than what I get with OBS in Linux Mint, where my camera works perfectly and I get real 4K playback. In Windows in OBS the image becomes more unclear and blurry with the same settings as I have in OBS in Linux Mint.
But I would like to have the same quality in Windows10, as it is easier to set up and use my Focusrite18i8 sound card in Win10 than it is in Linux Mint. Moreover, I have all my music production programs in Win10.
But so far none of the tips from youtube have solved my problem.


Active Member
Are those youtube videos showing the same OBS version you're using? Because OBS changed the encoder in the last year. Things that worked for a previous version may not work now.

Please, post a log file from one of the recording you did, or do a new single test.

Most times the issue fix itself by using the Auto-configuration Wizard, selecting recording as main use, setting the resolution you aim to, to use the GPU instead of software and applying the settings it gives. Now restart OBS (very important!) and test as is.
If all goes well, you can change the quality preset for a better one and test again. Remember to stay on simple output mode.

If all works as you intend, you're done.