Question / Help Bad Perfomance and freez of Razer Ripsaw


New Member
I have a new Streammachine.
CPU: 2x Intel Xeon 5645 @2,40GHz
RAM: 8GB bufferd
GPU: nVidia GeForce 260 GTX (i have no other gpu atm.)
Sound: ASUS Xonar DG
SYS: Win10 Pro
Capturecard: Razer Ripsaw

Why did I choose such a system?
Because i get it for free ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and the Razer Ripsaw is a good capture card.

I have a fresh install of Win10 with only OBS and some driver.
If i start to stream obs say that the cpu is overloaded. But the CPU is only 50% loaded.
After a view tests i can see, that obs is only using CPU2 and one Thread of CPU1.
So i took the parameter "thread=72" in the x264-settings. Now he use CPU2 and some Threads of CPU1.
This note I found here in the forum.
You can see the result in the video.

If i stream or record with more that 30fps (like 50 or 60) the fps drop down to 10-30 because cpu2 is at 100% and cpu1 do noting.

Note: Sometimes in the Video the CPUs are at 100%. Thats because i record it with OBS-Classic. If i do not recorde it with another tool, the cpu-load is at 50-60%.

Is there any code to use all Threads for the best perfomance?
I think 2 cpus for rendering should be great.
If i render a video with handbreak with the x264-codec i can use all cores / threads.

Now to razer ripsaw:
If i stream or record the Input of the Razer Ripsaw freez after a view seconds. (see in the video)
So far I have noticed that this is happen, when one or two Threads are for 1-2 secs at 100%.
If i change any settings of the Razer Ripsaw, it works again for a view seconds.

Here a video:

The only fix for that is to set the x264 preset to a faster level like very fast or super fast that the threads can not run at 100%.
But with this settings, the quality of the stream sucks :(
I can rebuild this problem with oder systems too (like my Notebook oder GamingPC).
Any Fix for that?

Until then Merry Christmas :)
- Hoerli


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New Member
For all who want to know which Power i can use, some "Benchmarks" with other Systems / CPUs and the same settings:
Intel Core i7 5930K @ 4,5GHz - x264 Preset: medium | Cinebench: ~1250 Points
Intel Core i7 2500 @ 4,00GHz - x264 Preset: faster | Cinebench: ~700 Points
Intel Core i7 3720QM @ 3,2GHz - x264 Preset: faster | Cinenech ~ 580 Points

And my Stream-system now:
2x Intel Xeon 5645 @2,40GHz - x264: faster | Cinebench: ~1150Points

I do not know where the performance goes.
With the 5930K i can stream with 60fps but with 2 cpus not?


New Member
Update 2:
Now i have a temporary work around for the Razer-problem.
The Ripsaw use Thread 9 of CPU1. If i don't stream and only display the input of the ripsaw, the thread 9 is at ~50%. If i remove the ripsaw from the scene, it goes down.
Now the fix: Go to details in the taskmanager and search obs.
Do a right-click on it and choose "Determine affiliation".
Now uncheck the Thread of the Ripsaw (CPU9) and press OK.
Now the stream or recording works finde for the most time.

If Windows change the Thread for the Ripsaw (maby a restart of the system or obs) you must do it again :(

If you use the BrowserSource do the same with the cef-bootstrap.exe.

Hoerli :)
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