Bug Report Avermedia LGP lag sound

I am here to save your day. First, this is a known issue that the developers have attributed to OBS. Secondly, here's the fix. DON'T use your USB audio. Instead you need to use the analog audio out of your soundcard and patch a 1/4" audio cable from your PC or game console to the audio pass through in your LGP and then out to the streaming rig into the "line in" input. Make sure you also use the audio delay function in OBS audio settings as your audio will be de-synced with your video. I think I use +200msec. I've been streaming with my LGP this way for months.


New Member
I could just be stupid, but I feel like I'm missing something with my settings. I'm Streaming my xbox one. So of course my LGP is connected to my xbox via HDMI and then to my PC via usb for power. Now for audio I'm using my astro A40s, so I'm going through my mix amp. My mix amp is connected via USB to my pc so I can use it as a mic. I have my mp3 port from my mix amp connected to the headphone port on my pc to hear my desktop. Now my Audio in On my LGP is connected to my mix amp streaming port. Oh and of course my mix amp to my xbox is via optical cable.

Sorry If I'm missing something here, but I still can't figure out the issue. I'm assuming it's something with my audio settings. If you think it's the way I have it connected please let me know.