Question / Help Automatically Stop Stream When Frames Drop, Then Restart Stream Again?


New Member
Hey all,

I'm wondering if there is a way to automatically stop a stream when frames drop below a certain amount, pause for a second and then restart the stream automatically?

My problem is that when streaming using a 4G mobile connection I'm encountering random connection loses to the tower in my area, the kbps will drop right down to 200 and dropped frames begin to occur. There's also no way to know when or if it will happen, like the stream will be good for x amount of time and then at random I lose connection. If I stop the stream and restart it after 1 second the 4G connection re-establishes to the tower and the kbps go back up and my viewers only see a slight buffer.

Of course, that means I have to constantly be looking at the bottom right corner of OBS to monitor and make sure the kbps are good, but if there is a plugin or a script that could achieve this that would be super handy!

Cheers all :)
first if im doing a internet speed test it says in MBPS 4.1 for OBS u need KBPS i got 4000KBPS i got also the chat opened and some music on and im livestreaming so if i set it so minimum BITRATE to 1600 - 3200 bc im using VBR it still drops lagg


New Member
Can you please create your own thread as your issue is not exactly what I have posted about. It's along a similar line, but I have a very specific request and you coming in with dropped frame issues is only distracting from my question.