I was thinking about doing a portable scene collection, which I could, let's say, store on the user's desktop. On Windows you can set the path as follows:
and on linux/macOS:
I'm using OBS under Windows and tried to manually modify the path on a .json export file to:
Please note the use of slashes instead of backslashes. It seems that OBS wants slashes. Anyway, it didn't work. If I try this on the Windows Command Prompt:
cd /D %USERPROFILE%/Desktop/My_OBS_Resources
It works; even if %USERPROFILE% has backslashes on it. It seems that Windows accepts both.
It would be nice to have environment expansion on OBS. I don't know which programming language does OBS is done, but I know that most modern languages have built-in routines to expand environment variables.
That would be my idea.
Best regards
I was thinking about doing a portable scene collection, which I could, let's say, store on the user's desktop. On Windows you can set the path as follows:
and on linux/macOS:
I'm using OBS under Windows and tried to manually modify the path on a .json export file to:
Please note the use of slashes instead of backslashes. It seems that OBS wants slashes. Anyway, it didn't work. If I try this on the Windows Command Prompt:
cd /D %USERPROFILE%/Desktop/My_OBS_Resources
It works; even if %USERPROFILE% has backslashes on it. It seems that Windows accepts both.
It would be nice to have environment expansion on OBS. I don't know which programming language does OBS is done, but I know that most modern languages have built-in routines to expand environment variables.
That would be my idea.
Best regards