Automatic scene switching based on content of an input/scene, such as a pixel


It would be very useful if I could get automatic scene switching based on what's happening on screen. The particular application I have is in presenting slides (such as in powerpoint/keynote/prezi.) Different slide call for different scenes. The same is true when doing app demos and possibly playing games.

A simple solution would be to have the presence of a pixel of a particular colour in a particular place trigger a scene switch. Thus if I place a single pixel of a given colour in the top right corner of a slide, for example, it would trigger the switch. This would let presenters present decks and have the scene switch for them on each slide. I will mix my own webcam video with my slides, and sometimes I want to make my video in the corner, sometimes full screen, sometimes missing (to play a video) etc.

This could be done with a scene switcher modification, but it occurs to me it could also be done as a sort of filter. The filter would not do much (other than perhaps change the pixel to sometthing neutral.) Its real purpose would be to trigger the scene switch. As a filter, it could readily be attached to the source it is supposed to trigger on, like a display or window, so not much UI needed. In fact, the UI could be very simple, in that the filter is programmed to simply invoke a scene named "PSxxyyzz" where xxyyzz is the value of the pixel in the designated spot.

Some want more than this. They would like to switch based on matching an image, thus able to detect what phase a game is in or otherwise trigger from programs whose output you can't fine tune. With slide decks and software demos, one can usually insert trigger pixels easily.


New Member
Hello! There is a resource page for the Pixel Match Switcher plugin. I hope you find it helpful!
