Bug Report Automatic Scene Change


New Member
I'm primarily looking to be a League of Legends streamer, however, it's almost near impossible to stream League right now (and maintain viewers anyway) because the scene switching is so unreliable. I capture the client scene just fine, but after the client puts me into game a new window is needed for streaming (which I capture with Game Siphon) but for some reason, every time I go into game I need a new Game Siphon scene for it (having to replace or reissue the siphon for the new window each time.)

Additionally, this isn't the only problem. I bugsplat during loading anytime I even have OBS open.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
We will add in some native scene switching. It's really a necessity with games like league of legends which insist on using separate windows for things like lobby and in-game. There's a contributor currently working on it. If he doesn't finish it by the time I get around to it I'll probably help him finish it. Probably won't be for another patch or two, depending on what needs to be done.

(If there's anyone from riot who happens to read this, please tell whoever works on the core game modules to please for the love of god merge the lobby with the in-game client so we don't have to deal with this separate window stuff anymore).


New Member
YEah... I'm trying to do the same thing and I have to close my OBS client to get it to work right again... Is there anyway we can update the Syphon or whatever so we can make this happen ourselves? I'm a little bummed there is more support out there especially for Mac users.. U_U!