Question / Help Automatic/Preset scene transitions

Resident Stevil

New Member
So basically what I would like to do is I have a video intro that I would want to play at the start of my stream, and then when the video is finished playing, the program would automatically transition to a different scene of my choosing without me having to click on the transition button or anything like that. Is there a way for me to do this in OBS Studio?


I would just add the video source to your first scene, and place it at the top of the sources list. Then set said video/media source to "Hide source when playback ends".

Resident Stevil

New Member
But would I still be able to use the fade transition between the video and the scene?

There's also another issue if I want to use more than one video in the transition, if I add two media sources, the first video doesn't transition into the next video, they just both start playing at the same time.
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Hmm... well there are some 'hacky' ways you could do it, but I would just create/play a video with an alpha in it, and when the video fades out at the end, the sources underneath would then appear to be fading in.


As to multiple videos in a playlist, at this time you might be better served using an external player (like VLC).