AutoDetect ZoomIt Program


Currently, programs that zoom in render their own canvas when hotkey invoked. For example, Microsoft's ZoomIt as well as other types of these programs.

OBS Studio renders its own cursor in the non-zoomed mode while in recording/streaming causing dual cursors to appear. Turning off the cursor is not an option as it would make it an inconvenience.

An idea:

1) Support one zoom type of program, I'd suggest Microsoft ZoomIt (its free and part of SysInternals Suite)
2) Have a hotkey zoom setting available per each scene
3) ZoomIt would set its hotkey to say CTRL+1 (it can be anything)
4) The OBS User would specify this same hotkey in the hotkey list per each scene
5) In the hotkey handler, when the user hits the zoom hotkey, OBS Studio would interrogate the process module list to see if ZoomIt is running
6) If ZoomIt is running, OBS Studio would not render its cursor to avoid duplication
7) If ZoomIt is not running, OBS Studio renders its cursor

This can be generalized to support as many zoom type of programs but I would just support ZoomIt to make life easier.

There may be an issue here is if this is the system cursor and it may not be possible.
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