Auto naming file output with game title?


New Member
Is there a way to have OBS Studio automatically detect the game title and include that in the file name of the recording like Dxtory does?


Community Helper
That's not really as reasonable of a thing for OBS to do, a) because it's not only for game recording, and b) when people recording games with OBS, they are able to record multiple games in a single session, so a single game name wouldn't be useful.


New Member
That's not really as reasonable of a thing for OBS to do, a) because it's not only for game recording, and b) when people recording games with OBS, they are able to record multiple games in a single session, so a single game name wouldn't be useful.
It would be very useful for replay buffer save recordings.


New Member
Maybe this could do the trick:

in settings > extended > recording > filename format (I don´t have OBS in english; so excuse me if I didn´t get the wording correct)
1) introduce a new placeholder for a "hashtag"
2) add a second setting "filename format with hashtag"; much easier to implement a combined format

in the UI
3) 1. a single text input for the hashtag somewhere 2. some mechanism that reminds the user to review the current hashtag

3a) another option: let the user configure automated hashtags depending on the executables, and when recording is started with a hotkey, OBS looks up what program has the focus. Gah that would be nerdy.
in Linux: try _NET_ACTIVE_WINDOW or xlib´s XGetInputFocus
in Windows: GetForegroundWindow and GetWindowFileNameA from user32.dll
MacOS: idk anything about MacOS, but
NSWorkspace.shared.frontmostApplication?.localizedName sounds worth a look.


New Member
It would be very useful for replay buffer save recordings.
... or to label the recordings in advance. The new placeholder should probably be named "label", not "hashtag".

And with 3a) from above, the whole customization might be reduced to a single checkbox "autolabel" in the recording settings, just below "generate filenames without blanks". However, 3a) makes no sense when I use the button to start the recording. And it would also be suboptimal if I use a camera source; the recording would still have to be relabelled to indicate what has been recorded.