Question / Help Audio Transitions

Brent Marginet

New Member
I may be missing something here but I can't seem to get any kind of Audio Transitions to work.

1- Computer Line Input is fed from an Audio Mixer.
2- VLC Scene to playback Videos when I transition to it.
3- One Camera at the moment, more to be added.

Here's the problem, when I Transition from any Scene to the VLC Scene the Line Input Audio does not Cut or Fade with the Transition. I then end up with both the Line In and Video Audio playing over top of each other.

I'm currently testing on a Mac but this setup will end up on a PC.
Can someone tell if this is possible and what the trick is to get the Audio to follow the Transition.


Brent Marginet

New Member
I've just read the entire manual and there doesn't seem to be anything about this in it.
I've also found dozens of threads about this feature but no solution that works.