Question / Help Audio Tracks Halp


New Member
Audio Tracks Kill Me Slightly Every Time :)

Hello so, I have had this working in the past but I have no idea what has been done to change this... So I'll get into it, basically I have my game, music,skype/teamspeak all on different audio tracks and they are supposed to record the different sounds on the video.

Allowing me to disable one of the audio tracks in the video if I didn't want a certain part in. For example I tend to listen to music in the background and sometimes I'll leave it in or change it depending on what I want in the finished video. Either way I'm recording and all, it goes good but when I come to editing, all the tracks have the same sounds which is the entire game, music, teamspeak/skype in there... So if it's going to do that then it's basically a waste, since if I disable the so called music track then the music is still in there etc.

(I have tried the two different encoders too. :/ They both give the same output.)

I'm using the newest version of Virtual Audio Cable and of OBS I have no idea what I have done wrong and am wondering if anyone could help out? Images below show my settings.





Thanks for reading and maybe trying to help... :D



Click the cog by Mixer in the main window and assign your inputs to the tracks you want them on.


Your desktop audio device is set to your headphones, the ones you're sending all your audio to. And you're sending your desktop audio to every track in your output. That's why all of the audio is on all of the tracks.

It looks like you've split out everything into separate Virtual Audio Cables already, so just turn off the Desktop Audio in OBS and see if that helps.


New Member
This kind of helps, it seperates my voice and music but for some reason I cannot hear the Game? (I'm sure you know this already but the game plays through the original desktop tack.)


New Member
Only for certain games that allow you to actually change the output. :/ Other than that not really, I have had this work before though I just can't remember how...


Right, then you'll need to change your Windows default playback device to be a VAC instance, and then mix things together with VAC and send them to your headphones (I assume this is possible, I don't use VAC so don't know for sure).


New Member
Not so sure how I would go on about in doing that, I kind of fixed one thing but I'm sure I'm missing one small thing, although thanks for your help again. :)