Audio Sync offset - Not Working


New Member
I have read many post on this topic and followed all the useful infromation, I can't to too far off the mark in getting this to work! However currently when you watch my feed feed in zoom the picture is 3 seconds behind the audio.

I have OBS and zoom linked with VB virtail cable and then seems to be working fine.
If I adjust the audio level on the OBS audio mixer the sound level adjust in zoom. So this confirms that zoom is not taking the audio feed direct.

However when applying sync offset (3000ms) 3sec in the advance audio properties it just does not make any differnce to the audio and therefore the audio still continues to arrive in zoom before the picture.

What have I missed, do you have to turn on the sync offset somewhere in OBS....why is it just not work! lol
Thanking you all advance.


Active Member
Sync does not affect audio monitoring -- it only affects the output encode.

You can set up an NDI output (which would have the offset audio), but I'm not sure of the current status of Zoom accepting an NDI feed for input. (I don't use it, so I've been out of the loop with the last 3 months of developments)


Active Member
This is why you're having issues -- it does not affect monitor out. The audio monitoring grabs the audio before any processing is done to it (sync, filters, etc).


New Member
Thanks Carlmmii
So I need to use NDI outout.
Really find it hard to understand / use /configer it and make in work....
Any top tips on how I can get the porcessed audio (snyc offset) in to Zoom

Many thanks


New Member
Sync does not affect audio monitoring -- it only affects the output encode.

You can set up an NDI output (which would have the offset audio), but I'm not sure of the current status of Zoom accepting an NDI feed for input. (I don't use it, so I've been out of the loop with the last 3 months of developments)

I run OBS on both Windows and Linux. On Linux the monitoring does not shift the audio (only in the recording). But the Windows version does shift it. Is there any reason why it does not work on Linux, while it does work on Windows?


Active Member
I run OBS on both Windows and Linux. On Linux the monitoring does not shift the audio (only in the recording). But the Windows version does shift it. Is there any reason why it does not work on Linux, while it does work on Windows?
On Windows the Monitor audio is absolutely not affected by sync offset (as of OBS 26.0.2). Only in the local recording/streamed video, never the live.


New Member
On Windows the Monitor audio is absolutely not affected by sync offset (as of OBS 26.0.2). Only in the local recording/streamed video, never the live.
I can give you an example:

When I connect my ATEM Mini Pro to OBS, any offset changes I do under Advanced Audio properties (in OBS) also affects the sync on the monitor. If I set the offset to 3000ms, I will hear the audio from the ATEM Mini Pro 3 seconds later. When I change it back to 0ms, it's in sync again.

However, if I have only an audio source (like a Behringer UMC 404HD), it does nothing on the monitor when I change the sync offset.

So, sometimes the offset does affect the monitor, sometimes it doesn't. I think that audio from video sources is affected, but seperately plugged in mics are not (since they are only an audio source).


New Member
Sync does not affect audio monitoring -- it only affects the output encode.

You can set up an NDI output (which would have the offset audio), but I'm not sure of the current status of Zoom accepting an NDI feed for input. (I don't use it, so I've been out of the loop with the last 3 months of developments)
I think I am kind of in the same boat, except I am sending my program feed (ideally with post effects and post sync delay) to a BMD Web Presenter 4K for encoding and streaming. (I was dropping a lot of frames to encoding on my pc).

Under what condition can a post effects/post sync delay program audio feed be exported. Clearly streaming and recoding inside of OBS, but what about a program projector feed?

I’m not having much joy trying to get there without assistance. The sound gets to OBS and can be passed on to the encoder if it is set up as the monitor, but not otherwise, and the monitor feed is pre effect/pre-delay as you note above.



New Member
Hi, having the same issue on Windows 10 ... 2 months ago' using WIndows 8 and an OLD version of OBS i was able to manage the audio De-sync very easly... right now.. i have no idea about the desync... and i need to record somethings to try to fix the correct desync...

any news? there is some patch-fix , any trick to have audio-video synced on the preview?

P.S. OR.. if is possible by the developer... add a small preview (not recorded) to see if the desync is fixed.
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