Question / Help Audio stuttering after 60 min of streaming on Twitch

So, I'm trying to figure out the very best way to get this thing up and running to stream on Twitch.

First, my issue: after about 45-60 minutes of streaming, the audio begins to get choppy. I wish I could attach an old video but I forgot that Twitch deletes them after two weeks.... but it becomes stuttery, like every other second is silent and just chops back and forth.

Last year I was trying to stream with a MBP 2009, 8GB, tiny processor, bad video card. I was told it wasn't strong enough to handle video streaming. Well, now I have a brand new Retina MBP (stats below) but I'm still having the same issue :(

I hope I'm missing something stupid in my setup, because I'm really frustrated. No matter what I've tried, Twitch just does not cooperate nicely with my setup.



Running Logic Pro X 10.2.0 to record audio. Logic is sending audio out to SoundFlower.

SoundFlower 2.0.2 is routed into OBS

OBS video bitrate is set to 5000, audio to 320, 30fps, audio buffering time 1000, CPU very fast

Internet connection averages 50-60mbps down, 5-6 mbps up.

Sometimes we run Skype for guest calls, which we would do from a separate device. I've tried using Skype on this same Mac as well as an extra device and get the same result.


Active Member
I don't know, I read that bitrate depending on your upload speed. Mine is between 5-6 so I set the bitrate to 5k
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Twitch's upper limit for non-partnered streamers is 3500kbit (entering 3500 in the bitrate section in OBS).
Alright, I changed my buffer settings. I already know that that was *not* the issue with my audio, so let's revert back to my original question...

Like I said I don't have the video saved to show as an example, I'll have to do a stream test again soon and be sure to link that here.

This ONLY happens after about 45-60 minutes of streaming. Before that, it's perfectly fine, great quality, crystal clear, and perfectly in sync.

Any thoughts? Please