Question / Help Audio Problems on Sony Vegas 11


New Member
Hey everyone just got a hopefully easy question for you guys. I'm using OBS studio newest version and when I record a video using the game capture and then my two audio sources my headset and then my mic. They both show activity when I am playing and recording so I'm guessing they are working as they should be. I have tried recording in mp4, and flv the 3 that work for me. I then drag them into Sony Vegas and no audio shows up on the mp4, and flv just won't go in. I have set up the audio for multiple tracks doesn't seem to help. Have tried other formats as of now but they don't work either also I now see flv won't work for what I need XD. But any help would be great can give more information and info if required thanks everyone.
It's a long while since we had a Vegas 11 question, my only tip is to make sure you have all the latest patches for Vegas. There was a problem where Vegas couldn't decide the OBS audio format, even though the format is standard, updating to the very latest build of Vegas 12 fixed it for me. Hopefully latest build of 11 will fix it too


Active Member
Try changing .mo4 extension for .m4v
I got the idea from this video.
(Not same SW, not same problem, but maybe "disguising" container is a workaround)