Bug Report Audio Popping and Black Screen - Yomawari


New Member
Hey guys!
Yomawari was released on Steam yesterday and today I tried recording some gameplay of it with OBS Studio. I noticed my voice kept popping when I tried recording this game. This continued to happen with:

All filters adjusted to minimal
All filters removed
Mic source changed + filters minimal or removed

That's about all I tried because I don't know what else to do. My OBS Studio is a fresh install and I haven't messed with any settings (other than adding filters to my mic) and my voice audio wasn't popping at all when I was recording Blamdown Udder Fury (the game I tested my OBS settings with).

Also, Window Capture does not work with Yomawari. It just produces a black screen with sound if you try recording it, so I swapped over to Display Capture and used a crop filter. Yomawari is in window mode by default.

Right now I have all my audio settings back to default and am only using 2 sources (my desktop audio speakers and my blue nessie mic). I am still having the audio popping problem. I will swap back to OBS for now, but something about Yomawari really messes with OBS Studio.

I am running Windows 10 on a mid-range PC, specs wise. Realtek soundcard, as far as I know. Nvidia GeForce 750 graphics card. 16GB Ram Corsair. Two hard-drives, 1TB and 2TB. Steam is on the 2TB, my OS on the 1TB. OBS Studio is installed on the 2TB.

I am NOT using a webcam. At all. Not even plugged in. Also, this problem seems to exist in OBS classic as well. It has to be a problem with the game, Yomawari.
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