New Member
Yup, still a noob after almost a year. Recently my audio quit completely so in order to fix it I was going to uninstall and start from scratch. Second part of the issue was I somehow had two different versions at one time, (27.1.3-modified and 29.1.3 current version). So after a long process was able to get rid of both, but the reinstall of current copy saved the settings, so no fresh start. Not only that but the old one had 2/3 more sources for personalization, this one doesn't even have VLC. I'm also unable to connect with Twitch! Kind of at my wits end and just want a fresh copy of whatever recent version has the most options. Can someone help an old dude out?
obs 27.1.3.png


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Active Member
I hope that's a visual theme outside of OBS, and not some heavy customization! It's kinda hard to read, being used to the stock version; I thought it was a cooling fan controller at first, or something like that.

Anyway, it sounds like you *have* done some heavy customization *somewhere*, and you forgot what some of it was. Unless you somehow *can* remember all of it, and undo both that *and* its effects, I think your only guarantee of getting back to anything resembling standard, is to wipe the drive (not just OBS, but the entire system) and start over *without* the mods.

If you still have something custom in there, the problem could very easily be that, and it's going to be very difficult to help.


New Member
I hope that's a visual theme outside of OBS, and not some heavy customization! It's kinda hard to read, being used to the stock version; I thought it was a cooling fan controller at first, or something like that.

Anyway, it sounds like you *have* done some heavy customization *somewhere*, and you forgot what some of it was. Unless you somehow *can* remember all of it, and undo both that *and* its effects, I think your only guarantee of getting back to anything resembling standard, is to wipe the drive (not just OBS, but the entire system) and start over *without* the mods.

If you still have something custom in there, the problem could very easily be that, and it's going to be very difficu


New Member
Every trace of OBS has been removed now. I'm not sure what heavy customization you are referring to? One has an OBS skin and the other is without custom skin but simply follows your plasma. My focus is sound, options, and a connection back to Twitch. I also sincerely apologize! I see the image is a screenshot on top of a screenshot, my bad. It does look like a bit of a monster, but I digress.
Does anyone know a bit about NVIDIA drivers and turning back the clock to allow me to start at the beginning. The screenshot shows the removal right before it was gone and then other steps where taken to make sure it was clean.
There are commands to insure it is gone, but as I mentioned I am a noob. Thanks for trying to help though.


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Active Member
...turning back the clock to allow me to start at the beginning...
That would be a drive wipe. *Most* things uninstall cleanly, but not everything does. Fortunately, you don't always *need* to remove *all* traces; just enough so that a different version goes ahead and installs, and its setup makes sure that it runs like it's supposed to. There may still be traces of the old one, but the new one does work.

But if you really want to get rid of *all* traces, like if you don't trust the removal and reinstallation, then you're looking at a complete wipe and rebuild from scratch. Update immediately (that's going to take a while on a fresh install) and reboot, but don't change anything at all beyond what you absolutely have to, until the fundamentals work like you want. Then take a drive image of a working configuration (google how to use dd), so you have something to go back to if you break it again (same dd command, but with in and out swapped).

To make and restore that backup, shutdown and boot from the installation media again (usually a flash drive), and use the partition manager to see which drive is what. DO NOT MOUNT IT to see the contents! Or if you do or it happens automatically (it shouldn't), make sure to unmount it before taking the backup. Once you know the source (usually /dev/sd_), THEN plug in the big external drive that has enough free space on it to fit the entire drive that you're backing up, and a filesystem that can handle a single file that big. Mount that one, and have dd put the backup file on it. There are ways to compress that file as it runs, but those get to be hard to read on the command line. You can zip it later if needed, then expand it back to full-size before you restore.


Active Member
Also, what flavor of Linux are you using? Ubuntu or a derivative? Fedora? Etc. Each of those works a little bit differently, and different people know one or another.


New Member
Ubuntu my friend.Thank you so much Aaron for your time and interest. You have been a breath of fresh air as I have not had much success in the forums and I'm not particularly knowledgeable about any of it. I just learned Linux 6 months ago and have learned 5 other kinds of software to go with it. I am happy to report that all traces were completely removed last night without having to wipe the drive. Upon getting the fresh start I needed in all workouts I have been broadcasting for the last 2 hours with 0% dropped frame rate, sound is great, My only concession was using that older version that I had had before I wiped everything out completely which had many more options than the current version and was considerably more stable, That would be 27.1.3 I believe. My best friend s an IT engineer and gave me this laptop and got me off of windows and in 2 Linux will be happy to see that you are of assistance And that I'm getting some help other than him. I'm sharing your recommendations with him which I'm forwarding now and I'm going to hang on to those notes and keep them on file for the future. Thanks again brother I would have you tune in to The Show, I don't think that would be smiled upon and might be interpreted as a shameless plug if I posted the URL here.


Active Member
I would have you tune in to The Show, I don't think that would be smiled upon and might be interpreted as a shameless plug if I posted the URL here.
If it's in the context of getting help, I think it's okay. It's when you're running just fine and just want more views, that we call it spam.


New Member
Thank you. Being a new person I need to follow protocols and be courteous. It is an alternative music/video/film program so it is a bit different than the gaming channels. Possibly in the future Aaron, you might give me some hints. It's pretty rudimentary, but gets better every show.