Audio *output* level meter?


New Member
Hi folks,
I had an issue yesterday where I lost audio to an entire sermon recording (luckily a pre-recording), because I was mistakenly monitoring audio on the headphones with "Monitor Only (mute output)" instead of "Monitor and Output". Yeah, stupid mistake, but it would have helped if there was some sort of output audio level meter that would have clued me in.

Before we switched to iMacs, we used vMix on Windowns PCs and, in addition to the source audio level meters, there were recording output and master output level meters so we could verify that audio was indeed going out. Does OBS have the capability to display an output to recording/streaming level meter? I can't find any mention of it anywhere, so if not, it would be a great addition.

Another reason for an output level meter is that audio levels are cumulative, meaning that if you have multiple audio inputs to OBS (mics, sound sources, etc) they can collectively combine to clip the audio output, even if the individual sources are below clipping on the source level meters.

Appreciate any input,


I agree I want an output meter to make sure I'm not clipping to my stream destination (Facebook live) when using OBS to mix multiple audio sources. I'm disapointed that my search has led me to a fellow searcher and not a an answer.


misunderstand ? it is the output meter. It shows whats go out if you not mute it on advanced tab (no one do this, its only a features to remove unrequired stuff for some audio tracks to let stuff in stream but not record or else)
same with monitor it monitors the Output not the input

So its all a output meter


If I have 3 microphones in one scene and each one of them is individually is at clip limit of -2db (top of yellow) then if all 3 microphones start talking at the same time the summed output of the 3 will clip above zero.
In my case I have 2 piano mics that are sometimes loud and sometimes quiet. To set their gains correctly I need to see a dynamic readout of their summed volume levels.


sorry mate but i don't use a car for a formular 1 race, for that i need a formular 1 car
OBS is not a studio audio mixer software, for that you need a studio audio mixer software/hardware


LOL that's like saying "you don't need a speedometer in your car because you aren't racing"
If the ability exists to mix 2 sources together then there SHOULD be a way to see the summed level of those two sources.
I'll add it to the suggestion pile.
Just out of curiosity BluePeer what do you use OBS for?


i use it for that what it made for. and never have the issue you have
default 2-4 Audio sources Mixing without "pitch up"

Related to the usage the users that going in to the range of -2db use Vst Plugins to config there sources

there exist a reason why OBS default Operate with "Sample Peak" and not "True Peak" for the Meter
its made for Above regular and regular users with ability to Pro usage (for that you need special hardware and Special Software/Plugins)
OBS from "default" is not ready for this finetune Pro stuff
every one i know operate at HQ audio use Vst and Special equipment

Edit: That means there mix the audio outside of the pc in Studio Audio hardware or with Special Audio Mix Software Inside end send a Finish mixed Signal to OBS to send it out


New Member
misunderstand ? it is the output meter. It shows whats go out if you not mute it on advanced tab (no one do this, its only a features to remove unrequired stuff for some audio tracks to let stuff in stream but not record or else)
same with monitor it monitors the Output not the input

So its all a output meter
Just ran across these comments today, for some reason OBS didn't notify me.
Just wanted to clarify that the meter in OBS is not an output meter, as it seems you are saying (highlighted in yellow above).
If it was an output meter, and I had the Advanced Audio Properties/Audio Monitoring set to Monitor Only (mute output), you would not see level on the device audio meter. If I have multiple audio-capable devices in the Audio Mixer window (camera, audio mixer, PC mic, etc), you will see a level meter for each device's audio input.

There is no output meter. There are many good uses for an output meter (which many other streaming softwares have). Just today it would have alerted us that OBS had no audio going out to our livestream or the local recording (and still no reason found as I'm here working on it). And no, audio monitoring is not on Monitor Only (mute output).

Hope this clarifies,


New Member
Just found my "today" issue with no output...the Track 1 box somehow spontaneously unchecked itself. Didn't see it until just now, as the Advanced audio properties window must be expanded to show the audio track check boxes. Again, would have been nice to have an audio output meter clue me in...
