Audio Only


New Member
Hello everyone. I am brand new to OBS in fact I have not even downloaded it yet because I'm not sure it is what I need. I own and run a small live trivia company and have recently started streaming my audio live on facebook. People seem to enjoy it and I'm hoping this will encourage people to come out to the local bars/restaurants where I am at because that is how I make my money. When I stream there is only about a 15 second delay which would give someone at home time to look up the answer and text it to a player. Granted it would take a special kind of person to do this, but they are out there. In my research on how to create a longer time delay with an audio steam I came across OBS. I have read that you can choose how long of a delay you have which sound perfect for what I am trying to do. However I can't seem to figure out if I could just add a picture in place of the video. Maybe down the road I will add a camera for a live video feed but for now that is not my goal. Any and all advice is welcome and appreciated.