Audio (music only) cutting out when streaming from OBS to YouTube


New Member
Hi, we just started streaming at our church using OBS and Blackmagic to YouTube. The video looks great when streaming. The problem is with the audio and only with the music - when the choir is singing and the instruments. Any thoughts on why just the music and singing cuts in and out? We are using Windows 10 with an Intel i7 processor.

Our Pastor's sermon sound great. Voice streams just fine.

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Active Member

Or check the first three posts on this thread (including sample video). Is this your problem?

If it's another issue, then please post a complete log containing a streaming session or recording which contains examples of the issue:
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New Member

Or check the first three posts on this thread (including sample video). Is this your problem?

If it's another issue, then please post a complete log containing a streaming session or recording which contains examples of the issue:
I am having a similar issue where the Church singing cuts in and out of our streams, but talking and yelling works fine. We have not been able to successfully stream, using OBS, with all sound present. The link below is to our OBS log file of the last test I ran where the music was an issue. I have also included a link to the test stream I did on Sunday.

Here is our setup:
Yamaha MG24/14fx (sub out into)
Atem Mini Extreme (line in) out of headphones port into
Dell5090 Optiplex
Into OBS studio.

If we stream directly from Atem Mini to Youtube, music works fine. When we integrate OBS, music cuts out.

OBS Log File:

Test Stream:


Active Member
Here is our setup:
Yamaha MG24/14fx (sub out into)
Atem Mini Extreme (line in) out of headphones port into
Dell5090 Optiplex
Into OBS studio.

This "out ... into... in... out ... headphones port into..." isn't quiet clear.
Do you go out of the Mini Extreme again and go other way into the Optiplex then?
What exaclty is your routing of the audio?

What can be heared by your test stream is that your issue is completely different from those of the original "stream sound cuts in and out" mentioned above, cause yours is completely dropping the signal in between. So thanks for providing this.

Doesn't deliver the atem the sound directly as source into OBS then? In your log we can see clearly an (additional?) globally device of "Mic/Aux". You should check that if its okay. Then there are readings of 44.1kHz mentioned by that device, mixed with globally setting if 48k and messages of "[48000] initialized".

Your log doesn't contain any recording or streaming session, so we only see a static information but not what happens during the service.
Regarding problems during services you always should provide log containing info about that OBS runtime during the service.

I am having a similar issue where the Church singing cuts in and out of our streams, but talking and yelling works fine.
Unfortunately not so. Around 20:50, after your pastor switches his headset on, he can't be heared either. Then a greeting to a birthday follows and the sound disappears again in the middle of that speech, even during the following yelling and clapping ongoing.
Even when most syllables can be heared in between (at other time marks), your audio track is terribly low in volume and sounds thin. Sounds like incompatible equipment or routing which leads again to the first questions from above.

Side note: At 34:04 suddenly a completely echo kicks in on the popes mic. There is definitely to much trial&error during the session you completely left concealed. Can't comment on this.
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New Member
Hi, we just started streaming at our church using OBS and Blackmagic to YouTube. The video looks great when streaming. The problem is with the audio and only with the music - when the choir is singing and the instruments. Any thoughts on why just the music and singing cuts in and out? We are using Windows 10 with an Intel i7 processor.

Our Pastor's sermon sound great. Voice streams just fine.

I'm having the same problem streaming from OBS to YouTube. When I'm speaking, all is fine. But if I play music from my ipad, the music fades in and out. Very frustrating. Did you find a fix?
Hi, I am facing the exact issue, I'm using Atem Mini for live streaming for YouTube. The Audio cuts in and out or sound distorted only when music is played. The audio is perfectly fine otherwise when the priest is talking over the microphone. It will be great if someone could help.
My config:
Windows 10 Intel corei3
Atem Mini
Cown Amp
Note: This issue was not there earlier.


New Member
I am having the same problem others have described. Below is a detailed description and troubleshooting steps I have taken.

I work for a church, and we stream services through Switchboard Live (a multi-stream to Facebook, Youtube, and a generic webpage embedded player). The issue we are having is that when the audio is a single person speaking, audio on the stream works fine, but as soon as live choir or music starts, the audio starts cutting out. It goes completely silent. However, nothing is cutting out over the live house speakers. So this tells me it is not a problem with RF interference, microphone signal quality, our audio amplifier, or DSP/mixer.

The audio that is being captured by the PC and OBS is through a 3.5mm line-level analog mono plug. The audio comes from the church's live audio system with an analog output specific for our stream. I have observed the stream during a live service, and the times that it cuts out over stream, the audio signal on the OBS volume meter does NOT go flat - it continues to bounce and show uninterrupted signal activity. So this tells me it is not an issue with the live audio system or its signal output, OR signal input into OBS.

The problem is present in all stream platforms: Facebook, Youtube, and embedded player. So, I have tried recording our live audio and video capture in OBS to a local output destination (mp4 file), and the problem is STILL present in that recording (audio cutting out during music). So this tells me it is not a problem with our streaming service, or Facebook, or Youtube. It must be something with the computer itself, or maybe an OBS audio output configuration problem, a computer hardware problem, or a driver problem.

The computer is a fairly new Dell Optiplex 5090 with 11 Gen Core i5-11500, 16GB of RAM, integrated Intel video, Realtek audio, Windows 11 Pro version 21H2. I haven't always had these problems while using this streaming computer. The problem has only begun happening recently.

As an experiment, to circumvent the computer's integrated audio device and line-in jack, I got an inexpensive USB audio adapter with mic/headphone in, and plugged in our existing 3.5mm audio from the sound system. I added this alternate USB audio device into OBS to capture audio, and everything worked normally. However, last weekend during a service, the same problem occurred - single voice works fine, but music cuts in and out, just as before. So this tells me it probably isn't a issue with the audio input adapter or driver, because two distinct audio devices show the same problem. It may still be an issue with Windows 11 or computer hardware somehow, but I'm not sure what else to check there.

I'm starting to think it is a problem with OBS's audio capture and encoding. This problem seems to have arisen after an update to OBS earlier this year. Another problem I had after that recent OBS update is that OBS defaulted to a 48kHz sample rate, but the audio device in Windows was set to 44.1kHz. This mismatch caused issues with audio/video desync in OBS (lips moving on video didn't match audio). After I set both Windows and OBS to 48kHz, that problem went away - everything synced normally. I have also tried setting them both to 44.1kHz - it still works with no noticeable difference from 48kHz, but we still just have the problem with audio cutting out during music whether both are on 44.1Khz or 48kHz sample rate.

My OBS version is 29.0.2 (64 bit)
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Active Member
As every time i may ask: Are you using filter plugins in the audio track?

Wether being intentionally or not: you are searching for something like an "noise removal", "noise cancellation" or "noise reduction" filter.

Take into account that there may be some filter induced by bloatware coming with the dell computer. Have a look into the windows sound settings too and disable all "audio optimisation" stuff or similar things.


New Member
As every time i may ask: Are you using filter plugins in the audio track?

Wether being intentionally or not: you are searching for something like an "noise removal", "noise cancellation" or "noise reduction" filter.

Take into account that there may be some filter induced by bloatware coming with the dell computer. Have a look into the windows sound settings too and disable all "audio optimisation" stuff or similar things.
I did notice your suggestion above, but I passed over it because I know I have not deliberately implemented any audio filter plugins inside of OBS or anywhere else. But I didn't think about the Windows default settings or audio driver settings for various enhancements and optimizations. Dell does come with bloatware sometimes, but Optiplexes and Realtek audio drivers are usually mostly barebones. When I checked audio recording device settings for the generic UGREEN USB audio I recently implemented (to try to circumvent Dell stuff), I saw two possible culprits. Under the Custom tab (usually not present on most audio devices, but it is on the UGREEN), I saw a single checkbox that said AGC with no explanation. I googled it, and I think it's Automatic Gain Control. I unchecked the box. Under the Advanced tab, there seems to be a fairly standard Windows setting called Signal Enhancements, "Allows extra signal processing by the audio device", and it's always enabled by default. I unchecked that box as well. I see that Signal Enhancements option for both the UGREEN USB audio I just hooked up as well as the Dell Realtex audio device. I have disabled it for both (as well as other streaming PCs we have on campus).

With most of these audio enhancement features I've encountered in the past that are purported to help, I either don't notice a difference, or they just sound weird. But I haven't had technical problems with them before, other than maybe sounding a little weird. It has always been enabled on this particular streaming PC, and it hasn't been a problem until recently. Maybe the recent OBS update has triggered a conflict between the encoding of the audio signal and Windows trying to enhance the audio signal at the same time.

All that being said - I just watched an entire church service that included singing and choir, and the audio did not cut out a single time. So I think it's fixed! Thanks!


New Member
I am having the same problem others have described. Below is a detailed description and troubleshooting steps I have taken.

I work for a church, and we stream services through Switchboard Live (a multi-stream to Facebook, Youtube, and a generic webpage embedded player). The issue we are having is that when the audio is a single person speaking, audio on the stream works fine, but as soon as live choir or music starts, the audio starts cutting out. It goes completely silent. However, nothing is cutting out over the live house speakers. So this tells me it is not a problem with RF interference, microphone signal quality, our audio amplifier, or DSP/mixer.

The audio that is being captured by the PC and OBS is through a 3.5mm line-level analog mono plug. The audio comes from the church's live audio system with an analog output specific for our stream. I have observed the stream during a live service, and the times that it cuts out over stream, the audio signal on the OBS volume meter does NOT go flat - it continues to bounce and show uninterrupted signal activity. So this tells me it is not an issue with the live audio system or its signal output, OR signal input into OBS.

The problem is present in all stream platforms: Facebook, Youtube, and embedded player. So, I have tried recording our live audio and video capture in OBS to a local output destination (mp4 file), and the problem is STILL present in that recording (audio cutting out during music). So this tells me it is not a problem with our streaming service, or Facebook, or Youtube. It must be something with the computer itself, or maybe an OBS audio output configuration problem, a computer hardware problem, or a driver problem.

The computer is a fairly new Dell Optiplex 5090 with 11 Gen Core i5-11500, 16GB of RAM, integrated Intel video, Realtek audio, Windows 11 Pro version 21H2. I haven't always had these problems while using this streaming computer. The problem has only begun happening recently.

As an experiment, to circumvent the computer's integrated audio device and line-in jack, I got an inexpensive USB audio adapter with mic/headphone in, and plugged in our existing 3.5mm audio from the sound system. I added this alternate USB audio device into OBS to capture audio, and everything worked normally. However, last weekend during a service, the same problem occurred - single voice works fine, but music cuts in and out, just as before. So this tells me it probably isn't a issue with the audio input adapter or driver, because two distinct audio devices show the same problem. It may still be an issue with Windows 11 or computer hardware somehow, but I'm not sure what else to check there.

I'm starting to think it is a problem with OBS's audio capture and encoding. This problem seems to have arisen after an update to OBS earlier this year. Another problem I had after that recent OBS update is that OBS defaulted to a 48kHz sample rate, but the audio device in Windows was set to 44.1kHz. This mismatch caused issues with audio/video desync in OBS (lips moving on video didn't match audio). After I set both Windows and OBS to 48kHz, that problem went away - everything synced normally. I have also tried setting them both to 44.1kHz - it still works with no noticeable difference from 48kHz, but we still just have the problem with audio cutting out during music whether both are on 44.1Khz or 48kHz sample rate.

My OBS version is 29.0.2 (64 bit)
I am having the EXACT issue you are having. Have you had any success in fixing it?

I didn't have this problem until about 2 weeks ago, after an OBS software upgrade.

We are using a fairly new Acer Nitro gaming laptop with Windows. At first, I thought it was just that the mic was cancelling due to a new drop ceiling in our church building, or a new positioning of the piano. But after running all kinds of tests, I realized it had to be software related because nothing worked (even after buying 3 different types of microphones with different pick-up patterns).

I am convinced at this point it's something within OBS causing the sound to cancel when instruments are played.

Have you had any success with finding out what was wrong?



New Member
Don't make the same mistake I did. I had similar symptoms but I was using the mic in jack on the computer for the cable coming from the sound board. I switched it to the line in jack and the problem went away.
Hope this helps anyone else making the same mistake.


Active Member
Don't make the same mistake I did. I had similar symptoms but I was using the mic in jack on the computer for the cable coming from the sound board. I switched it to the line in jack and the problem went away.
Hope this helps anyone else making the same mistake.
It could be that - incompatible standards using the exact same connector, and the user is supposed to keep straight which is what and not mix them up - or it could be Windows itself being screwy in its attempts to "help", as konsolenritter and Puck90a said above.

Make sure you've got the right plug in the right socket. Just because it fits does NOT mean it works.

And go through ALL of the settings - OBS, Windows, drivers, "consumer candy" apps that might intercept audio and do something with it, etc. - and turn EVERYTHING off. No "enhancements", no processing, at all, anywhere. Some of those settings are buried on purpose, to prevent the more nosy people from messing with them with no memory of what they just did, and then blaming Microsoft for suddenly "breaking their computer". Background noise detection and removal for a conference call, for one example. These settings might be called something weird too, in a failed attempt to explain a technical thing to a non-technical user in just one line. (that doesn't work - it only makes 100% of people scratch their heads instead of 90% - it would have been better to use the professional technical terms, but they didn't)