Question / Help Audio Monitor device and Buzz?


New Member
So I get this ridiculous buzzing whenever I open OBS studio in the sound from my capture card. If I monitor the device through windows it sounds good until I open OBS Studio ( the most updated version) and then there is a terrible buzzing over my game audio. You can still hear the game but the buzzing is there with it and only occurs when OBS Studio is open and capturing.

I've tried some options, using custom audio devices, disabling my microphone, new cables. Nada. I figured maybe I could noise gate/ suppress it with a filter to try and at least make it less terrible but then I run into my second problem... I choose an audio monitoring device in the advanced settings of Studio and I can't hear anything. I'd like to be able to listen to these sounds on the fly as I adjust the filter in OBS Studio and can't understand why the Audio Monitoring Device won't work? I've tried my headphones and main speaker and I get nothing. I've also tried recording a video to see if maybe the monitor only worked when streaming / recording (only tried recording, not streaming) and I didn't get any sound there either.

The monitoring is less of an issue if anyone can tell me why opening OBS on my computer makes the sound buzz, I really only need the monitor to try and filter the buzz out, otherwise I can just monitor through windows.

Thanks a bunch and bunch.