Audio-Mixer does not show devices


New Member
I am using OBS 27.2.24 64-bit version on my stage-notebook with windows 11 and on my pc with Windows 10.

On my stage-notebook the OBS Audio-Mixer does not show all the devices I have configured as audio-capture devices in some scenes in the mixer any more.
Only the global devices are shown.
Deleting the devices and defining them new does not help. Un-hide does not help either.

1. Is there a way to reset the mixer configuration without reinstall?
2. Are the scenes totaly restorable by importing the exported scenes?
3. Uninstall - Reinstall: Are there any folders information remaining after an uninstall, maybe containing incorrect configurtion information.

Looking forward for constructive answers.


Did you start using Studio Mode by any chance? Please note the the Audio Mixer only shows the active sources with audio capability, so the ones in Program.

If this is not helpful for you, as a next step please provide a log file. Here's how...