Bug Report Audio Lockup/Crash Issue


New Member
Hi Guys,

Loving the new OBS (keep up the awesome work) but have an issue to report.

When doing a stream today something happened to my audio where it stopped recording and went into a repeated soft "thud thud thud" sound. You can see this happening in this Twitch VOD at about the 33:20 mark


you can hear my keyboard and mouse then suddenly nothing and the thud thud thud. This hasn't happened to be on the previous version.



  • 2015-07-15 19-54-54.txt
    8 KB · Views: 17


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Hm, interesting. I wonder how this happened. I don't see any error in the log file relating to it. That is the log of that particular session, right? Did it only happen that session? /9I haven't heard this from anyone else yet just so you know)


New Member
Had the same thing happen again today so definitely not a once off. Attached is another log file for this session. And yes the log files are for the correct sessions.

You can see the issue occur again at about 46:40 mark



  • 2015-07-16 14-21-17.txt
    8.5 KB · Views: 19


Community Helper
Ah, interesting, it sounds like it's repeating the last bit of buffered audio over and over. I do see a note in that log about your mic getting disconnected, but only at the very end right before you stop it.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
We didn't change any of the audio code for mac, so I can't help but feel like the problem you're having is unrelated to the version (though you're free to test with the older version on github). I feel like it's some sort of hardware related issue that may have started happening for some as-of-yet unknown reason. Is the mic plugged in directly to USB?


New Member
Tonight I did another stream but this time I compiled the latest code from GitHub and it work flawlessly. So it was working on 0.10 then every stream with 0.11 I got this issue then built from the latest code in GitHub it started working again.

I noticed a few commits around using the actual audio encoder sample rate so perhaps it was related to this somehow?

Just to answer other questions, the mic is plugged directly into the USB port. The disconnection of the mic towards the end of the stream was because I noticed it having the problem and was trying to see if I could make it stop by disconnecting the mic and connecting again, obviously didn't work.