New Member
Hello, I have a podcast that I livestream with video (sometimes up to 7 cameras and 7 mics) with in studio guests. I stream live on YouTube, then later use IMovie to export the audio file, and then upload the audio file to Spreaker. The issue I am having, the audio file when imported into IMovie has a Popping sound to it. It's not clipping, but just a popping sound when we are talking. I have my OBS Encoder Stream Settings to: Core Audio AAC, Apple VT H264 Hardware Encoder, Rescale Output Disabled 1920X1080, ENCODER SETTINGS, Rate Control CBR, Bitrate 7500 (I have moved this up and down some to see if there were any changes and it didn't seem to help), KeyFrame Interval 0, Profile High, Use B Frames not checked. Recording Settings: MPEG-4 (mp4), Video Encoder Apple VT 264 Hardware Encoder, Audio Encoder AAC. Audio Settings 256, Replay Buffer not enabled. The Audio is also set to 48khz mono. My Mac is brand new and top of the line. My cameras are hooked up to a Camera Switcher and running through one USB-C, and my mixer is a Mackie ProFx 12V, running into a separate USB-C. I've searched for some fixes via YouTube, but haven't come across anything that deals with this issue specifically. If you want to hear the popping, feel free to search 'Drinking With Drew' in any podcast platform and you can hear what I am referring to in my latests shows over the last few months. The sound does not come across the video version when the livestream is live, only the downloaded version when listening to the show later. Any help is appreciated.