Audio is Sometimes Not Recorded, Randomly; Im at a complete loss on how to troubleshoot.


New Member
I come to you guys extremely frustrated after recording 4 hours of unusable footage:

So... I'm at a complete loss here on how to even troubleshoot this: Everything worked fine before, It works fine now, but it didn't work for a period of 4 hours of recording, and no settings have been changed.

Everything was fine until I restarted my game mid recording and for the rest of the recording there was no audio recorded, which I though was weird but, understandable since I restarted the game mid recording.

But then several hours later I played another session, started Valorant, started OBS, hit record, minimized all windows with the button in the bottom right and tabbed back into the game. Upon finishing the recording session several hours later the entire recording had no Desktop Audio being recorded, microphone was recorded fine.

So how do I even troubleshoot this? Because right now there is no issue... Audio is being recorded just fine, and once again I haven't touched any settings. I just noticed there was no audio recorded for the 4 hour clip, and did a quick test doing the exact same process as before, and audio is recorded just fine.

So if I can't reproduce the issue doing the exact same steps with the exact same settings, then how do I prevent this from happening in the future?

Unfortunately I can't have OBS open while playing the game since it will lock my 240hz monitor at 60hz (windows issue nothing can be done about it), so I have to record "blind"; as in without being able to monitor audio levels.

However I have checked the level meters every time before minimizing everything and tabbing into the game, and both the Microphone and Desktop Audio level bars are moving up and down.
(Valorant has background lobby music, that plays even when tabbed out, I can see the "Desktop Audio" level meter moving with the background music)

Log files have been attached from the most recent test (which works perfectly fine), from the entire clip that has no desktop audio recorded at all, and the clip that looses desktop audio part way though.

2020-07-16 05-49-28.txt is the log of the clip that looses audio part way trough.
2020-07-16 10-41-39.txt is the log of the clip that has no desktop audio recorded at all.
2020-07-16 13-53-58.txt is the log of the clip that is perfectly fine.

I want to stress that the clip that looses audio part way though (due to game restart mid record), and the clip that has no audio recorded at all, are completely different sessions; OBS and Valorant had both been restarted in between those recordings, and I verified that the Desktop Audio level meter was moving up and down with the main menu music playing in the background before recording the session with no desktop audio.


  • 2020-07-16 05-49-28.txt
    15.3 KB · Views: 2
  • 2020-07-16 10-41-39.txt
    15.6 KB · Views: 2
  • 2020-07-16 13-53-58.txt
    8.1 KB · Views: 4
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