Audio glitchy sounding, distorted and intermittent pausing and playing every second streaming the original Xbox.


New Member
So as stated, I tried streaming the original Xbox console (yes the big huge black box) with component cables, I have a component/composite signal amplifier which goes through a component to HDMI converter which goes into my Elgato HD60 S capture card. I shouldn't see a problem with the audio using this setup since I can stream PS2 like this reliably with no audio distortion. To describe the way it sounds, it sounds like it plays and stops every second and the audio that comes out is scratchy. You can make out the music but it just sounds horrible. I obviously can hear the audio fine through the TV but not through stream. I have "Listen to this audio device" On in sound settings, I use windows 10, I looked into the settings of the Elgato Sound Capture software and to no avail. I tried changing the Khz in OBS sound settings from 48khz to 44.1 and nothing. I tried changing the component cables around and nothing. I don't know what else to do, any help would be appreciated, thank you! If you need any more info just ask.