Audio from outside OBS randomly garbled


New Member
I've been having an issue where any audio that is piped into OBS (namely my vocal coming from Logic) will randomly get garbled, in-stream (OBS audio monitor output is always flawless, not sure about recording - I don't record in OBS), while any audio that originates from within OBS (like an audio clip played back from a media source) works perfectly. This garbled audio thing usually occurs for several minutes at a time, but seems random. Important to note is that at the same time this audio issue happens the video associated with the scene (cam link 4k) is fine (eliminating the likelihood it is an internet bandwidth issue). People are always like "we can see you great but the audio is bad/gone" ‍♂

- Behringer UMC404HD into Logic Pro X
- Logic processes audio (usually vocal and guitar) with EQ, comp, etc... (44.1 kHz)
- iShowU Audio Capture pipes audio from Logic into OBS (44.1 kHz)
- Sony a6400 into Cam Link 4k for "scene 2"

Example from today:
Scene 1: Intro/countdown scene with video background and audio clip from within OBS (sounded perfect for entire 10 min countdown)
Scene 2: Cam Link video with microphone audio from outside OBS (instantly NO audio or garbled/stuttering/choppy audio)
Scene 3: "Outro" scene with only a video and a media source which is playing audio from within OBS (instantly the sound is perfect in-stream)!

So, again, only audio coming in from OUTSIDE of OBS has this intermittent issue. Some days I don't really have a problem at all, some days it's every now and then for a couple minutes at a time, some days it's all over the place.

Quad 2.9 i7 MBP, 16 GB ram - CPU never over 40%
OBS 25.0.8
MacOS 10.15.3

Log file for above stream example attached. PS: I didn't seem to have this problem before OBS 25 (not to mention my CPU numbers doubling from OBS 24 to OBS 25) but that may be unrelated.


  • 2020-06-12 18-50-33.txt
    65.4 KB · Views: 10


New Member
I do. Have a usb 2 guitar -> USB cable trying to use it on the MAC for OBS. Works great until mid show or sometimes only a few minutes in then the audio goes to static! Theres a known USB 2.0 issue now on the newer MACs. PCs apparently dont have this issue. Ughh.

If i start/stop the stream... still static! If i close/open OBS.. Boom then its clear again until it has the issue X minutes later. Very frustrating.

Is it Catalina not prioritizing 2.0 USB? Is it OBS? i dont know