So I recently purchased an xcapture1, which has worked great so far, but I have an issue with the audio having a slight offset in the local recording.
The stream audio is perfectly synced up and is fine, but the local recording's game sound captured by the xcapture is always off by a small margin (couple hundred milliseconds)
It doesn't seem to be consistent, sometimes it's early, sometimes late, sometimes almost synced up, but never identical to the stream.
The issue fixes itself when I output sound to both the desktop and the stream, but if I choose the "capture audio only" option this issue persists. Any suggestions?
Log file with issue here
The stream audio is perfectly synced up and is fine, but the local recording's game sound captured by the xcapture is always off by a small margin (couple hundred milliseconds)
It doesn't seem to be consistent, sometimes it's early, sometimes late, sometimes almost synced up, but never identical to the stream.
The issue fixes itself when I output sound to both the desktop and the stream, but if I choose the "capture audio only" option this issue persists. Any suggestions?
Log file with issue here