Audio delay/latency in OBS Studio on MAC


New Member
Hello, I need help regarding the audio in OBS Studio!
I am using a MacBook Pro 2017 with Catalina 10.15.7. To record my audio I have a USB Zoom microphone and to record the desktop audio, I use BlackHole with a mutli output device. The problem is that when there is a small delay in the audio of my microphone. I tried so many thing to deal with this but I can not find the solution on Mac. The most disturbing thing in this process is that I installed Windows on my Mac using Bootcamp and I tried OBS on Windows and the delay is not here. The voice is perfectly synchronized while I am speaking.
Do you have any idea why there is a delay with the audio on Mac and not on PC? And how to deal with it on Mac?

Thank you very much!


New Member
I'm having the same issue on my laptop currently (2020 MacBook Air), and also went through all of the same steps. As far as I can tell, I think it is just an Apple issue, as their software is, let's face it, pretty bad, especially when it comes to customization and streaming. My desktop audio is continually out of sync no matter what I try to do, even adding the audio delay in the advanced features. I will report back if I do find any fixes, but I have a feeling I will not.