Question / Help Audio configuration issues.


New Member
OK, so I'm pretty new to the whole streaming thing. I'm using OBS for mac and I'm trying to configure it so I can hear the game audio in my usb headset, and ALSO have It picked up by OBS. I've tried soundflower and used the wavtap guide posted on this site. All I can do is get the desktop audio to be picked up by obs, but then I can't hear it in my headphones. I've tried several guides and tutorial videos and nothing seems to work. Again. I want to be able to hear the desktop (in this case game) audio in my headphone at the same time OBS is picking it up. And, obviously, not also hear my own voice in the headset. Thanx in advance.


New Member
Make sure, before you select Soundflower in your system preferences that you have selected your headphones and turned up the volume. Also, it should be known that soundflower massively reduces the volume, so you'll need to turn your volume up a lot more. After you've selected Soundflower in your system preferences, you'll need to Open SoundFlowerBed and select the built in output option For Soundflower 2 Channel (not 64 Channel) Finally, Option Click your audio volume and make sure that also has SoundFlower 2Ch selected. If you've done all of these things, you should be able to hear your desktop sound in your headset.


New Member
Make sure, before you select Soundflower in your system preferences that you have selected your headphones and turned up the volume. Also, it should be known that soundflower massively reduces the volume, so you'll need to turn your volume up a lot more. After you've selected Soundflower in your system preferences, you'll need to Open SoundFlowerBed and select the built in output option For Soundflower 2 Channel (not 64 Channel) Finally, Option Click your audio volume and make sure that also has SoundFlower 2Ch selected. If you've done all of these things, you should be able to hear your desktop sound in your headset.

ok so what setting do I use in OBS?. I turned up the volume on my headset setting all the way. I've got my soundflowerbed/soundflower 2ch set to my headset. Option clicked my audio and set that to soundflower 2ch. Then In OBS settings I set the desktop audio to soundflower 2ch. I hear the sound in my headset, but its not being picked up by obs. The desktop audio meter doesnt even bounce


New Member
Did you also Set the Sound Preferences to Soundflower 2Ch in your system preferences after you turned the headset output volume all the way up? Soundflower setup is not very fun IMO..


New Member
I thought I had but apparently had not. That seems to have solved the problem. Yeah soundflower is not very intuitive. I'm not really a developer, but is this something that could be integrated into future versions of OBS for mac? Thanx for all your help.


New Member
Soundflower is a completely different product from OBS. Unfortunately because of the way Mac sound plugins work, there's really nothing OBS developers can do to make it easier for us.