Question / Help Audio coming into OBS, not going to FB Live

Jay Cunningham

New Member
Evening all,

I've been running OBS on my MacBook Pro 2015 (OS Sierra) for a number of years with no problem, I've recent purchased a MacBook 13" Pro running Catalina and although I can get audio into OBS no problem from my RANE SL4 sound card (this is also feeding BUTT audio streaming service thats fine), I can't hear any audio when I use this to stream on FB live.

It kind of worked ok for one week though the audio dropped out on FB a few times, levels still loud and clear on OBS. Now when I set this up I get no audio at all on FB?

It maybe due to Catalina, audio routing or some setting within OBS, either way I'd greatly appreciate any help!

Francis Murphy

New Member
I'm keen to get an answer to this too Jay; I'm having exactly the same trouble but with Twitch. Facebook stream audio is working intermittently for me but I'm guessing this could be due to their strict copyright rules and me receiving an email from the facebook police. I'm running my audio straight from my DJM900 Nxs into my MacBook Pro OS Catalina which I do for recording mixes without any issues.

I've tried to stream via Twitch as this is my preferred social platform but get no audio at all on the stream even though OBS is showing good audio input into it.

The only thing I do differently between Facebook and Twitch streams is change my stream settings to stream to either Facebook or Twitch and put in the correct stream keys. Baffling.

I apologise for piggy backing on your post but after days of searching the web, finally your post is so similar to what I am experiencing.




New Member
I have the same issue but with the NDI plugin. The sound is registering on the OBS dashboard, but it is not routing through to Twitch.

Like above sorry to piggy back...