At my wit's end with this...

I will start there for sure. What about the encoder itself? I used to run x.264 and was told to switch to the NVENC (New), which was great for a while but not these issues are popping up again. Make sense to stay or switch back to x.264? Again, when I stream, it's just be on screen with my overlay, and the occasional animated overlays.


Active Member
Sorry, I'm way too much a newbie to have good advice/specific regarding encoding options.
Though in general (no idea if this is even close to accurate), I'd think x.264 would use CPU vs some GPU offload using NVENC (assuming right drivers in place). I believe I've read on these forums that x.264 would yield slightly higher quality encoding vs NVENC... so it depends on which resource you are running short of, as to which to recommend to use.

What I don't know is if a 5yr old GTX 960M should be able to handle 720p60fps [when combined with your overlays]?
And when you say issue popping up again... assuming you are updating Windows, realize OS updates and/or GPU drivers could be cause of new behavior
With out better advice from others... my recommendation would be to drop to 30fps and see if that resolves encoding overload situation (hopefully it will). While at it, learn how to use Task Mgr/Resource Monitor if you don't already know. Then, if you are inclined, try changing encoder and see if you have the resources for your choices (ie CPU for x.264) and which you prefer. I'm sure there are optimization options... but which ones specifically to recommend for your situation is way beyond my knowledge level
Thank you, appreciate the honest feedback. Will give the FPS change a shot first.

I'm up to date on Windows as of a few months ago, but have not updated any drivers since so as not to mess anything up.