Question / Help Artifacts with QSV Codec


New Member
Hey, I really hope someone can help me with this.
My Acer Laptop (I know, I know...) doesn't support NVENC, so I want to switch to QSV.
I tried streaming today but my footage got distorted somehow. Every few seconds everthing gets pixelated and lots of artifacts occurred.
I also got a lot of lost frames but I'm not sure, if thats the same problem or my crap Internet connection.

I have a Log here if that helps:

And the Stream VOD I was talking about:
Dont use wireless for streaming, connect to modem with ethernet cable
14:49:48.900: [rtmp stream: 'simple_stream'] Interface: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 Wireless Network Adapter (802.11, 108 mbps)
17:17:53.029: Output 'simple_stream': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 11355 (4.3%)

take a look in my sig for two tools for testing your connection to twitch

it may be also effect of setting your bitrate too close to your upload limit


New Member
Thanks for the help, but the lost frames are not really the main problem. This could easily be my connection, which fluctuates alot over the day. Normaly I dont have any problems with streaming over Wifi.

My main problem is the screen errors I get with QSV.
Thanks for the help, but the lost frames are not really the main problem. This could easily be my connection, which fluctuates alot over the day. Normaly I dont have any problems with streaming over Wifi.

My main problem is the screen errors I get with QSV.

those are not screen errors. its effect of unstable data transfer over wifi or fluctuating bitrate hitting your max upload limit which is....?


New Member
Ok thanks for all the help!
What is your opinion with all the different Codecs? Would you say its better to use something like QSV or NVENC or should I stick to Software Mode?
Always choose x264 if your cpu allows it. even on default veryfast preset +high profile it offers better quality than QSV on same bitrate. But your stream looks ok on current settings and
your cpu being 2 core is too slow for games and x264 at the same time - game seemed to run slow. For now i think QSV is your only option


New Member
I played on my PS4 ;) This game just has terrible Framerate;)
My Laptop is only for streaming Console Games. For PC Games I have a big Desktop PC.

Ok thank you really really much for the help. Im going to use x264 from now on and hope my connection gets better;)