Question / Help Are there issues with recording in Windows 8.1?


New Member
Hello everyone. I originally posted on the unofficial Reddit, but I decided it might be better to repost it here to get more visibility I have recently been trying to migrate my computer from a Windows 7 setup to a Windows 8.1 (I would like better dual monitor support and cannot bring myself to use Windows 10 due to forced updates). I am doing a dual boot, so my computer is using the same specs on both. But I just can't seem to get the same quality I can get out of Windows 7. My install of Windows 8.1 was set to be a separate partition from that where my games were installed, I am hoping by potentially switching drives to the one where my Windows 7 is installed that I will experience less issues.

My rig is a i7 4790k 16 GB, so I don't believe I am being bottlenecked, especially since the issues weren't occurring on my Windows 7 install before or after my incidents with Windows 8.1. I do record in a very demanding format, 1440px60, but I am able to do such fine on Windows 7. Recording Dosbox-Daum, I go from a smooth experience when OBS is not picking up video to something that crawls along when it is recording. I have also tested it with Thief: The Dark Project, which works better for a playing experience but shows visible lag in the end product. Both of these are Direct3d-based titles, which I have heard have issues with Windows 8.1, so I wonder if this is just a limitation of the OS?

Initially setting everything up by hand and finding it not working, I have tried importing my settings from my Windows 7 install in the hope of getting it working. While the settings successfully transferred over, it didn't result in any better performance. I have tried modifying where the videos would write out to, moving it to the hard drive where Windows 7 is installed (dual 7200 RPM drives with the smaller being 1 TB, so I have plenty of space), and that didn't fix the problem. Note that I do have Dxtory as well and that testing my drives, I find my Windows 8.1's drive to be faster than my Windows 7, my 8.1 being around 180 GB/s and my Windows 7 being around 100 GB/s. I have always written to my Windows 7 drive, opposite where my games are installed, with no problems, but changing the drive in OBS still resulted in problems which makes me question if switching the drive I installed Windows 8.1 on would solve anything.

I have 2 PG278Qs as my output displays. Deactivating G-Sync did nothing, nor did lessening the settings in the Nvidia control panel, though I believe the titles I was using were more CPU intensive. I have tried switching to OpenGL mode in OBS to see if that solved the problems, nothing. I started assuming that perhaps it was the preview window that was drawing too much power (even though I never had problems in Windows 7), but neither shrinking it, disabling it, or turning off my monitor helped the situation.

Drivers? I have already installed them, got the latest and only have been using 8.1 for about a week. This means OBS is also Studio 17.0.

Tl;dr At this point I am at a loss. I have heard Windows 8.1 has issues with Direct3d, but it seems like it works great as long as I am not recording. Does OBS have issues with Windows 8.1 when recording old school titles?


Active Member
All of that and you didn't post an OBS log from a session where you were having trouble.


Forum Admin
I see a few issues here.

1) Too many Game Capture sources. You only need one per scene collection in general, and at most one per scene. Having multiple added can cause issues. A single Game Capture source can capture all your games. You don't need one per game.
2) Neither of these logs contain a proper stream/recording session. Try these steps (or find a log that has a stream/record session in it and upload that instead): Rrstart OBS, then start your stream/recording for ~30 seconds and stop it again. When you're done select Help > Log Files > Upload Current Log File. Copy the URL and paste it here.

If it takes longer than 30 seconds to have the issue present itself, take as long as needed for each. Sorry for the trouble, but if you could do this on both win7 and win8.1, we can compare and see where the issue might be.


New Member
Fascinating. Deleting the other game capture sources and instead just using one seems to have solved my problem. I guess I always thought it to be more efficient just to specify the particular window in question and that it wouldn't take up additional resources if it wasn't temporarily showing. What I find the most confusing about this is that I never had any problems at all doing this in Windows 7, I guess it had some fail safe built into it that Windows 8.1 didn't have. In any events, thanks for finding the solution to my problem.

As you asked for the logs, I have still supplied them, though I can imagine they aren't exactly necessary unless I start receiving lag again. Anyway, thanks once more!