Question / Help Are my settings ok for recording?


I am noticing little stutters in my recorded videos, though I have none in my game play.

Are my settings not configured correctly? Is my computer not powerful enough to record smoothly?

I've attached a log from when I've recorded some rocket league.

The recorded footage has little stutters every now and then.

Is there anything in the log which could suggest what is the cause?

Thanks for your help!


  • 2016-05-17 16-39-47.txt
    21.1 KB · Views: 27
your recording looks good, no lags or dropped frames.
if your monitor is 60hz make sure you have 60hz desktop refresh rate, ingame vsync enabled and ingame refresh rate also =60 if there is switch for it.

Installing CoreAudio codec never hurts. you will find info in my signature


Yup, monitor is 60hz and also vsync is enabled.

The log says nothing was wrong?

The actual video has little stutters in it. hmm

Thanks! I'll try out the CoreAudio codec, however I'm not experiencing stutters in audio, just video.
nop, its clean as it should be, there would be info about lag or drops here:
16:47:34.482: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
16:47:34.482: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Writing file 'F:/temp/2016-05-17 16-47-34.mkv'...
16:55:34.189: [ffmpeg muxer: 'simple_file_output'] Output of file 'F:/temp/2016-05-17 16-47-34.mkv' stopped
16:55:34.189: Output 'simple_file_output': stopping
16:55:34.189: Output 'simple_file_output': Total encoded frames: 28783
16:55:34.189: Output 'simple_file_output': Total drawn frames: 28783
16:55:34.189: ==== Recording Stop ================================================

try ICQ value of 23 as its default if I remember correctly. now you have 16. quality may drop a bit. do you have latest intel video driver? or maybe try nvenc?


Installed the CoreAudio codec, but it didn't make a difference. Good to have anyway!

I am using the encoder preset "Hardware (QSV)" in simple output and "indistiguishable quality", which doesn't allow me to change the ICQ value. Not sure how to replicate these settings in advanced output.

Playback in VLC is actually a bit smoother, but not as smooth as in game...

I assume it's something to do with the players not playing the video back correctly, since OBS is saying no errors about it.

I'm just going to ignore it I guess, since it is mostly unnoticeable haha.

Thanks for your help Mroczny_Gustaw!