Question / Help Apple Encoder h264 problem with final file


New Member

In the "Output" section, and after choosing "Output Mode" to "Advanced", i select "Recording" tab, and in the "Encoder" list, i select "Apple VT H264 Hardware Encoder".
When i do a video record, and play it in VLC, it plays correctly if i don't do anything in VLC. But, when i move forward (if i'm at 00:01:00 on a 01:30:00 video and i move to 01:00:00 for example), my VLC (or quicktime or whatever) is freezing for a long time. Sometimes the video start from beginning.

I tried with all the "Recording Format", and it's doing always the same thing.
I tried to change bitrate / KI / Profile / B-Frame : Same thing.
I tried with or without sound : Same thing.
I tried on a short video (2min) or a long video (1h and 3h) : same thing.

When i select "x264" in the "Encoder" list, the file is readable correctly by VLC without freezing when changing the time cursor.

Is there a reason where the "Apple VT H264 Hardware Encoder" makes the final file "freezing" in VLC (and quicktime btw) ?
This encoder uses less CPU than the others, so it's interesting to use it instead of x264 software encoder.

Thanks for your answer.

amsyar ZeRo

Same as me.

The Apple VT H264 Hardware Encoder is a really good encoder,though.When I streamed on YouTube/YouTube Gaming,it complained for a while then it resumes nicely(Actually,nothing happened to the stream¯\_¬ᗜ¬_/¯)

It also uses really little CPU compared to x264,and I don't see any quality drop(besides my bitrate).

But,there are problems with it:

-The video lags in some places,noticeably when I played Geometry Dash(the video,uh,how do I explain it..just watch it here.Ignore the voice)

-If you use the .mov output format,then you cannot move the video slider when viewing it in Quicktime Player/VLC/any video player.

-Also when you try to import the .mov inside a video editor like iMovie,the app will freeze.Trying to delete after 'Force Quit' will result similarly.

Hope anyone can fix this.
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New Member
I wonder if there's some Codec or meta data issues with the files that encoder makes. Try exporting/converting the video using Quicktime or MPEG Stream Clip (a free awesome encoding software). I have instructions below.

It could also be possible the file size is just huge, and either the program or your hard-drive can't keep up--unless your have an SSD.

Converting: In QuickTime; just use the 720p options. In MPEG; Export to QuickTime, Compression to H.263, and Quality at 100%.

amsyar ZeRo

@Cake_buster Maybe you're right.But I read in the manual in my last post and saw about Frame Sync,which controls the smoothness of the video.Apparently I discovered that setting the keyframe interval to 0 makes the video stuck when moving the video slider,as it sets the frames to the source(whatever that means).Setting it to 2 works best.