App/Bot/Third party program for changing program specific output volume??????????


New Member
Greetings all.

I've seen a few threads running in circles regarding this topic, and it seems no clear answer has been given, or no program actually exists. Surely that can't be the case?
With the literal millions of streamers, millions of OBS studio users, how is the Audio settings acceptable in 2021, to only have options to change the output overall from one speaker system to the other? Where are my program specific volume sliders?

SURELY SOMEBODY, just one person, knows of a simple to use program, or bot, that has features such as keeping the volume you're playing at the same, while adjusting the volume of the output on stream.
One problematic example of this is Apex. I have my music just high enough so I can hear it, it's audible on stream nicely, and can still hear some sound effects in game. The issue arises when I (the streamer) require higher volumes for in game to hear footsteps and enemies nearby -Whereas when I shoot on stream the noise is overbearing and louder than my own speaking volume most of the time.

This is really problematic IMO, can ruin immersion, and really jarring as a viewer to hear music then soundly gunfire 10x louder, and should be a feature by now. Makes little sense as to why we can't control the output volumes of programs specifically. Can't quite google the specific query of "Program/app for adjusting output volume of individual programs while streaming" hence I ask the forum.

Please, anyone. Help.