Question / Help Anyone Having Trouble Recording ARK:SURVIVAL EVOLVED?

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I recorded fallout 4, and CS GO with obs multiplatform, AS SOON as I jump into ark the capture freezes. But the audio still works. Any idea what's going on? I tried from game capture and display capture, same thing.


Forum Moderator
I suspect your GPU is choking, as the game is super demanding and has no frame limiting support at the moment.
It has never happened before this is the first time and I can't figure out why it's doing it. My gpu is xfx r9 280x and cpu is fx 8350


Forum Moderator
Without a frame rate limit your GPU will be maxed out at all times trying to render the game, which will then tank OBS performance. What type of FPS do you get in ARK without running OBS?


Forum Moderator
At its very best your computer is barely able to squeak out 30 FPS in ARK, and now on top of it working 100% to run ARK you're also telling it to handle real time video encoding. I'd turn the in-game details down a notch and then cap the frame rate at 30; if it would normally be running in the upper 30s/lower 40s then limiting it to 30 leaves a little breathing room for OBS.

You could also post a log -


Forum Moderator
I suspect your R9-280X is the bottleneck, not your CPU. You do need a little of both free for OBS to run well though.


New Member
I am having a similar issue.. however I WAS able to record once.. then it acts like the game windows isn't there (or is only one pixel)
Tried this with game capture and window capture. Just acts like the window isn't there.. it's peculiar.
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