Question / Help Any way to have a transition happen without a full scene change? (i.e. hotkeys and source visibility)


Active Member
This is something that I haven't been able to figure out yet, but to be honest I haven't had much experience playing around with any of the plugins available, or even the advanced scene switcher.

As far as I understand it, the only time transitions are used (i.e. just the simple fade) are when the full active scene is changed from one to another, or there is a studio transition that is activated.

What I'm looking for is something that would allow me to have the transition effect apply to only a single source within a scene. Basically, I hit a hotkey to hide a source, and instead of it instantly disappearing, it fades out.

The other option I would be able to work with would be a transform shift, instead of visibility -- basically hit a hotkey, and it moves to a new position over the set time duration.

The only way I see anything possibly working with smooth transitions right now is to have a specific scene set up for each combination of visibility, but that is not really realistic to deal with once 3+ sources are involved.

Thanks for any and all input in advance!


It is not possible yet, but it has been requested before and that has been picked up by developers.
You might want to have a peek at the development build from GitHub and leave your test results in a reaction.