Any known issues w/SRT streaming v29.1.3?


New Member
I've been streaming out OBS for years with simple RTMP. Day or two ago I changed it to use SRT in an effort to get a lower latency program out for my operators to view. I have had OBS sending to a datarhei restreamer, which then sends it to another restreamer on a faster circuit for cybercast to various destinations.

This has been working great but this morning I came in to find the stream broken. restreamer wasn't getting anything. OBS seemed like it was still sending.

So I took it all back to RTMP and appears to be solid again. Thus the question, any known issues with OBS and streaming SRT?

thank you much


I have a similar setup. I use OBS to push SRT stream to datarhei restreamer. I had SRT working with 29.1.3 with a custom build and Debian. I'm using 30 beta3 at the moment. My push URL to restreamer is like this:
