Question / Help Any Experience Using ADAPTIVE BIT RATE?


New Member
MIGHT NOT BE ADAPTIVE BIT RATE BUT AVERAGE BIT RATE.....Hey, I've been using OBS STUDIO for awhile now on and off for recording and streaming. Recently it has come to my attention that it has added ADAPTIVE BIT RATE. I did a quick search on YT,google and here on the forums. I didn't see much information on it. I know that it takes a high bit rate output and out puts multiple bit rates to the receiver so that it can use what their internet is capable of handling. Which is basically the partnered feature on twitch of where they transcode to different resolution/quality options. Which is nice because I always seen that partnered feature as unfair to the little streamers because they are forced to sacrifice quality to make their streams available to as many viewers as possible. There are two very important things to streaming: (1. Quality to download speed ratio (2. The right time to stream to have the maximum viewer availability. Obviously there are other important things as well, like personality, game popularity and enjoying yourself. Adaptive Bit Rate solves a big part of this and in theory makes the playing field more balanced. As most partnered streamers have access to better hardware and more viewers so they could sacrifice a few viewers to increased quality. While I still agree that having partnered only features are important and understand that transcoding to everyone could cause performance issues, I feel that there are other things they could get as a feature that doesn't make it so unbalanced and hard to grow on twitch.
Now to my point of this whole post.
  • Have any of you had any experience with Adaptive Bit Rate?
  • Has it worked well?
  • Are there any downsides?
  • How does it affect your ratings?
  • How does it affect twitch's servers?
  • What does it do for local recordings?
  • Should twitch recommend using Adaptive Bit Rate over Constant Bit Rate?
  • Any other info you can think of?

    P.S: I haven't been able to stream as of late due to a battle with my Auto Immune Disease; Hashimotos thyroiditis. But if you would still like to check out my YT,TWITCH or TWITTER then you can find them here:
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