Bug Report Antergos users with AMD gpus notice


New Member
DO NOT use the default drivers antergos included for amd gpu users (unless it installs the amd catalyst control center on it's own) i found when activating deinterlacing for a usb SDTV capture device on obs 14.1.1 it causes xorg to destroy itself i was testing this on my antergos partition which uses cinnamon and the latest stuff antergos offers it will freeze up the OS and then it causes the cinnamon desktop to reload in software mode thus indicating an xorg breakage what i would recommend until amd releases a new driver is using this guide i altered to be fool proof http://pastebin.com/FydPd008 it will allow you to install amd fglrx 15.302 catalyst driver which will work for the time being manjaro users shouldint have to worry about this so much as from my testing manjaro by default installs amd fglrx 15.201 by default which is good enough for stuff like OBS