Question / Help android HDMi cable to OBS


New Member
Hi guys,

I'm a recently owner of Razer Phone. I'm looking for a way to mirror Razer Phone to OBS. I've purchased HDMI type C adapter and HDMI cable. But it doesn't working. Should I try HDMI adapter with Power Delivery?

Could you give me some advice in order to connect Razer Phone to OBS with HDMI cable.
I don't want to use any Google Play App for mirroring.

Thank you for reading this thread.



In order to capture an HDMI signal you need an HDMI Capture card, not an HDMI adapter.

As an alternative you can try "AirServer Universal for PC" (you must have a WiFI card). Then you can use the built in mIrror option of your Phone to send your mobile screen to your PC