YouTube Streaming
If I start the Stream the kb/s are to low (1200~2000) for the Image and QP settings I determined for this.
How do I know? The Video is Super Pixelated.
If I put 6000 instead of 50 in Bitrate the Video is fine and the Bitrate is at max and occasionally goes above 6000 (Max Bitrate)
So my Problem being: As I understand, in both cases the kb/s should go up to the Maximum 6000, so why not use 6000 CBR? Easy, there are some games that have way less movement than the Game I tested with. DMC4 vs Game DevTycoon. Obviously GDT does not need 6000 to have a clear Image.
So any1 know why this is?
And on a side note, if you activate Low Latency the Encoder is overloaded (no image at all) and if you stop streaming OBS hangs himself up.