Question / Help AmarecTV help

I recently picked up a Yuan SC512 N1-L DVI card per the suggestion of FerretBomb. It's amazing and it's working great, but I'm having some trouble getting AmarecTV to cooperate. It seems that most people using this card are also using Amarec, I believe for its supposedly superior anti-aliasing abilities, so I thought I would give that a go. I have no way to confirm this, but there does seeeeem to be slightly less latency using Amarec vs playing in the OBS preview (which is important for me since I am just using that as my game monitor), which is nice, and there is also an option to decrease the audio output, which is also nice (since, again, I am playing off the monitor and the only way to get sound is my routing the Yuan card to the desktop audio). I would prefer to not have to use so many applications to get a stream going, but if Amarec will work better, than I'm not going to complain too much.

But I've hit a couple snags. First, while streaming today I noticed a "popping" sort of noise while playing. If you have done any recording/mixing, then you might recognize it as the sort of sound you get when your buffer size isn't set right. So, since I do use a firewire audio interface as my sound card, I played around with those settings some, made sure all my sample rates and bit depths matched, but nothing fixed it. So I went to see if it was present in the VOD of the stream, but Twitch is being crabby and I can never seem to get my past broadcasts to load without crazy amounts of buffering (and I know it's not me because I have good internet speed and videos everywhere else work fine), so then I thought I would try to record a clip and see if the issue was in the recording. Now I can't even get the video feed into OBS, I just get an AmarecTV logo. For final piece of mind, I just went straight off the card into OBS, no Amarec, and lo and behold, the popping is gone. So the problem is clearly related to Amarec.

My questions are:
1) Does anyone have any numbers to back up whether there is more latency in the OBS preview than in Amarec?
2) What am I doing wrong and what do I need to change to get everything up and running correctly?
Ah, the popping seems to be a result of using the mixer function under the live tab. However, right-clicking on the video and lowering the volume there does not seem to cause the same problem. Strange.


1) Does anyone have any numbers to back up whether there is more latency in the OBS preview than in Amarec?
2) What am I doing wrong and what do I need to change to get everything up and running correctly?

Turn off aero for reduced latency, or maybe use HDMI or DVI Splitter, plus maybe HDMI-DVI adapters.

As for the second question, I don't know as I haven't used Amarec

OBS itself kindof increases latency as it renders at specific stream/record frame rate without waiting to receive a frame from capture card, and when it received a frame from capture card, it just buffers and do nothing else but wait a few more milliseconds to eventually render the preview. I think this is kindof the way OBS was programmed. On OBS-multiplatform, there is a Source projector except it still uses the record/stream frame rate, theres some added latency of not using source frame rate and doesn't render source projector immediately when received a frame from capture card. Setting the stream/record fps to 30 causes source projector to drop to 30 fps when capturing at 60 fps, why?

EDIT: Yuan SC512 N1-L i think may have a passthrough option, which using it may need passthrough board.
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