All global audio devices disabled (whilst running as admin)


New Member
I'm using Nobara Distro.

If I run OBS normally, without elevated privileges, "Game Capture" records a black screen. My start/stop hotkeys also don't work unless I bring OBS screen to the front. Everything else works fine under these conditions.

If I run OBS with elevated privileges, "Game Capture" and my hotkeys work fine, but now all my "Global Audio Devices" are disabled and there is no options to choose from.

How can I enable my audio devices with elevated privileges, so I can start capturing my games properly?



Active Member
How can I enable my audio devices with elevated privileges, so I can start capturing my games properly?
The better question to ask is, "How can I make the Game Capture and hotkeys work *without* elevated privileges?" Don't give any more opportunity than necessary to hose your system; the difference in privilege exists for a reason.

According to Nobara's home page, it appears to be a third-party derivative of Fedora, not officially supported by Fedora, with a bunch of stuff added to support games and media. Some of those things, including OBS, have been modified or patched by the Nobara team. So you're not actually running the official version of OBS, but their custom version instead.

Since I don't have this problem on Ubuntu Studio, installed from the official OBS repository/PPA (see the sticky thread in the Linux section of this forum), I'd venture to guess that the Nobara team introduced that bug when they patched or modified it. So maybe you can ask them?


Active Member
For the Game Capture, there's this:

Haven't seen anything for the hotkeys. I'd tell you to check the setting, but since it works sometimes without changing that setting, it's probably fine...unless you have a different set of settings depending on what privileges you give it. Settings are often stored in the user's Home directory, using hidden folders to keep things clean for normal use, but Root settings can't be there. Thus, completely different settings depending on permissions.


New Member
The better question to ask is, "How can I make the Game Capture and hotkeys work *without* elevated privileges?" Don't give any more opportunity than necessary to hose your system; the difference in privilege exists for a reason.

According to Nobara's home page, it appears to be a third-party derivative of Fedora, not officially supported by Fedora, with a bunch of stuff added to support games and media. Some of those things, including OBS, have been modified or patched by the Nobara team. So you're not actually running the official version of OBS, but their custom version instead.

Since I don't have this problem on Ubuntu Studio, installed from the official OBS repository/PPA (see the sticky thread in the Linux section of this forum), I'd venture to guess that the Nobara team introduced that bug when they patched or modified it. So maybe you can ask them?
Thanks for the replies. I downloaded the official Flatpak version of OBS as you pointed out. There is no option for "Game Capture" anymore (Apparently that is a Windows feature) and isn't supposed to work with Linux anyway... Though I definitely had it working.

I use "Window Capture" now and it does the job. The hotkeys still don't work, unless OBS is brought to the front. Might be something to do with Wayland DE. I'm not running as admin, as you suggested.

I'll keep working on it. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.


Active Member
The hotkeys still don't work, unless OBS is brought to the front.
That sounds like this setting:


No, hotkeys won't work when running wayland and OBS is not on focus. That is the intended design of wayland.


Active Member
No, hotkeys won't work when running wayland and OBS is not on focus. That is the intended design of wayland.
Well that's annoying. I personally like the hotkeys to only be active when OBS is in focus, because I like to use the numpad for both the hotkeys and quick number entry (it prevents OBS from freaking out while I'm typing somewhere else), but I can also see a lot of use cases to have them ALWAYS active.

I wonder if it'll end up like this?:


There will be a system at some point that will allow this through the DE similar to screen capture.