Question / Help Alerts sound playing even when toggled off in OTHER scenes with no alerts at all?


New Member
I have multiple alerts in multiple scenes for followers, bits, subs, and donations. And I originally assumed that forgetting to toggle my alerts off in other scenes were casuing them to still be played in other scenes but because I didn't have them on in the current scene I was using that I was simply hearing them. But now that i've streamed and had every single alert turned off, I'am STILL hearing them which is absolutely confusing me.

Is there some reason why this is occuring when I have every single alert turned off and i'm in a scene that doesn't have any alerts added to the scene?



New Member
I'm having this same issue. Trying to run a tournament and don't want donation and sub alerts going off during those but have to disable them in StreamLabs rather than simply not include them in the OBS scene. It seems strange that it would work this way.


Active Member
If you don't setup the browser source to shutdown when it's not visible, then yes it will continue running, regardless of which scene you are on.


New Member
I saw that option but I wasn't sure exactly if it did what I thought it did and I couldn't find information on it so let me ask you know so I can get some clarification.

Does the "Shutdown source when not visible" option when I click into the properties in the source shutdown the source when i'm in other scenes and wont play the audio? Do I have to toggle it off for that option to work in other scenes? If I turn that option on and switch scenes back and forth will it stay off or do I need that "refresh browser when scene becomes active" toggled on for it to come back on?

Also why doesn't toggling the source off stop it from happening in the first place? Why even turn it off if it's still going to be active and make noise? Is this intentional? Our of curiousity, why does this occur and for what purpose? I might just be missing a key feature for it.


Active Member
That option does just what it says, if the source isn't visible (hidden, not in active scene) it will shutdown. And ofcourse if it's visible again it will start up again.

All sources are global in OBS, hiding a source won't unload it, unless the source has an option for that.