After OBS/Windows 10 power failure both PTZ Optics cameras Cameras stop responding

Hey Folks ,

Brand new Windows 10 OBS Studio reinstall a few weeks ago and fixed all of the trial and error issues from a year ago
Everything was working fantastic
Had presets all done ( They still are but unusable)
Someone by accident pulled the power strip wall plug and killed the PC, Cameras, and the TPLINK 16 port/8 port POE managed switch for the camera network
2 ea PTZ Optics cameras
OBS Studio latest version updated a few weeks ago with the latest tool/plugin to control the cameras
Camera stops responding on the network - Cant connect or get it to show the log in screen for the camera
I put in an IP address for the camera and it does not respond
In its current state it plays video for the first preset position of the plugin on both cameras

Using the Plug In app on OBS Studios for changing positions etc. in OBS Studio stopped working
After a reboot: Camera shows the default camera position when powered up ( POE unplug and plug )
Then goes to the first setting the camera Plugin APP had to position the cameras before the power failure

Then BOTH cameras become unresponsive via the web and the app tool won't work

Plugin App does not respond
No browser response nor can I ping it
Tried rebooting the cameras but no good
Reviewed all of OBS Studio but could not find anything
Going back in the am to review the logs etc. to see if I can find the issue
Anyone ever hear of this ?
Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thank You


Active Member
Sounds like camera not at IP address you expect (or not working at all).. plenty of reasons that can happen
Was IP hard-coded, DHCP, or DHCP with reservation?
Are you SURE the managed PoE switch came back up with correct config? is everything else on same IP address as before? same ACLs in place, etc.

For the camera, I'd try USB or HDMI output options to confirm camera actually working (see above regarding switch and possibly PoE settings)
If camera working, then I'd be inclined to use USB and get to mgmt interface from there and check IP address