Question / Help Aero Conflicting with Scene Switcher


New Member
Hey all, as of recently i've been using this scene swticher for obs studio

I've gotten it to work with everything besides league of legends. When i am going from the Client to actually in game or loading screen, i have it set up to switch to the scene i made for In - game league of legends, however, this never happens. I've been looking around and everyone with the same problem says something about Aero conflicting with it, but I have no idea what this is and after hours of research i'm lost. Can someone please explain to me how to fix this problem? thanks.


Active Member


Active Member
I don't know what to tell you..
If you're streaming shut down the stream and restart the program and see if it shows up then
Other then that someone else that knows more then I can help you out.

As far as I know, AERO was only available in Vista and Windows 7 so if you're running another OS that doesn't use AERO the option may not be there.


Forum Moderator
OP reported the problem to the plugin author and a fix was released the same day. That's good plugin support. :)