Question / Help Advanced audio properties


New Member
I can't get a reliable connection to DroidCamx on usb so using wifi. Since the audio comes in to OBS from a guitar interface, the sound precedes the video from the phone. 1. I need to bump up the sync offset on the mic/aux input so the recording has audio and video in sync?
2. where do I want the audio monitoring options set when I'm recording?



Active Member
1> the sync offset can be adjusted either positive or negative, so you can adjust it in either direction as needed. You'l likely be spending a lot of time on this unless you're able to use a recording in a video editor with a known sound trigger (similar to how a clap board is used in video production)
2> you want monitoring off if possible, but that setting generally is something that's a "try each until you get the one you prefer"
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New Member
I'll try all monitoring off. On one of my first recording attempts I wound up with no sound in the resulting file, which made me wonder.


New Member
Finally managed to get a stable usb connection by using removing the 2 foot usb extension cable and just using a plain usb cable. My ping latency around the home wifi averages around 15 ms but a 100 ms audio sync offset seems to have the audio and video matching up in some test recordings. I have a six foot usb cable on order because I'm not going to be able to have the OBS laptop right next to the phone.